Saturday 25 August 2012

How can student improve their basic knowledge in English language?

How can student improve their basic knowledge in English language?

10:40PM, Saturday, 
tonight will be the night that i must update our blog, hahahaha ;) sorry madam we late. 
focus to my point, How can student improve their basic knowledge in English language?

ahaaaaa.... ;0

this is my favourite part, how to improve our English language?
firstly i would like to introduce to you my friends that can help us to improve our skill in english language...

taadaaa... give a big hand to our guests tonight... his name is..... "READ" , "SONG" and "SPEAK"

me : can you introduce yourself please?

read: thanks.. my name is read anything bin read everything. 

me: wow. such a beautiful name. ok, let we proceed to our topics. nowdays, student very shy to speak in english, can you give a tip to us and to our beloved student?

read: thanks to our moderator, firstly my name is read anything. so to improve your skill, you just read any story books, blogs, comics and so on. my tips is do not force yourself to read something that too difficult or something that you don't like. reading is fun bebbb... read books that you enjoy reading! eventhough my name is read, i HATE to read books that bored me! huh! tq..

me: calm down mr read... hahaha, such a lovely speech, thank for you speech, now i would like to introduce to our next panel, give a big hand to him..

song: thank you to moderator yoooo... 

me: ???? hahahaha. welcome.. so can you give your speech now?

song: thanks thanks yooo.... student.... why do you so afraid to speak? ok, my point is so simple, just listen t the music that you like. i like music such as pop music, rap music, and rock music. so why dont you try it? find the lyrics of song and sing along to them. how simple was that? hahahhaah.. oh yes, before i forgot, try to translate malay music to english lyrics. its fun!! hahahaha

me: oohhhh...sing a song... quite interesting... i follow i follow.... hahahahaha... so, without wasting our time, let me introduce to our last panel, give a big hand to him....

speak: assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh! tonight.. i would like to present...

me: ehhh sir... i know you like to speak, but can you skip your intro? pffftttt....

speak: oopppsss.. sorry... my bad.. ok, let me focus to my point.

me: thank you... proceed proceed....

speak: my point is so simple, you just SPEAK! dont blame yourself if your grammer incorrect, just enjoy with you speaking. 
speak it with your friend, family, lecturer, and so on. i take mr song point, try karaoke! dont be shy to speaking the language. dont be afraid that other will tease you, in fact, they will admire you for your courage and confidence. just try it! you will be fun!

me: wowww...karaoke right... yes.. i agree with you mr speak, karaoke also help me to more cofidence. thanks for your point.
so... this is it. we do not have a time to proceed our forum. let me end this forum and give a big hand to our panels. thanks....

(sorry for incorrect grammer, just for fun kan...hahahahah") 

mr speak

                                                                             mr read

                                                                             mr song

by fadhil

Sunday 12 August 2012


Topic :

1. How can student improve their basic knowledge in English language? - by Ahmad Fadhil

2. How to be a good public speaker? -by Ahmad Fadhil

3. How can you be a better person in the future. -Ahmad Luqman

4. How can I improve my communication with my family, friends and lecturers. -Ahmad Luqman

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Fist Posting on blog...=..=

Oh My English! its happen to us! =..= why....?????

hahahaha.. tonight will be the night that we cant forget because my friend Luqman and me Fadhil must create a new blog!

is it ok we create OHMYENGLISH as a title?

we hope OHMYENGLISH official site do not sue us yeee...=..=

this is just for fun and this is also as a assignment for us so we hope you all like it!!! ;)