Friday 21 September 2012



What is communication?

Communication is the act of transferring information from one peole to other people or one place to another. 

What is the important of communication for me?
Communication is very important for me because without it my life will be nothing.  I need it to gain knowledge and interact with others.
In my daily life, I always communicate with three kind of people :
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Lecturers

How can I improve my communication with my family, friends and lecturers?

  1.  Think Before You Speak

Take a few moments before you open your mouth to gather your idea to speak. Think about the point you wish to convey to the other person. When you speak thoughtfully and with clarity,,you are more easy to be understood.

Ask Questions

Ask for clarification if you are not uncertain about the meaning of another person's statement. Do not assume that you understand the uncertain of a message. Messages that are not clear can lead to misunderstandings.

·         Double Check

Repeat back your interpretation and words of the other person's comments.  Don't  doubt. Once you're confident that you're both on the same page, you will be more equipped to give an appropriate and meaningful response.

·         Don't Point Fingers

Use "I" statements to help prevent others from feeling attacked. For example, don't say, "You make me upset." It's better to say, "I'm upset."

·         Listen in Earnest

Good listening skills are important to effective communication. Instead of concentrating on what you want to say once the other person stops talking, pay attention to what they are saying without judgment. If you are thinking of your response while the other person is talking, you aren't practice good communication skills.

·         Don't Criticize

Avoid criticizing an complaining another person's viewpoint. Make an effort to understand his point of view. This doesn't mean you have to agree with something you don't believe in. Just be willing to accept an opposing idea.

·         Maintain Your Composure

Keep close tabs on your emotions if a conversation turns heated. If you feel mad, sad or frustrated you may want to take a break from the discussion until you calm down. Return to the discussion when you are able to keep your voice firm and steady.

·         Practice Your Words

If you feel uncomfortable about an upcoming conversation, rehearse what you want to say. For example if you have scheduled to a presentation in you class, practise and rehearse before you come in front on your class and present your task.

·         Use Body Language

Body language can be a very effective form of communication, especially if it's difficult for you to express yourself verbally. Make eye contact while you speak and lean toward the speaker. This type of body language indicates to the other person that you are fully participating in the exchange.

By the following tips, I can improve my communications with my family, friends and lecturers.
I hope you get something useful for you by read this tips. :)

by Ahmad Luqman bin Hamid



Do you want to be a better person in the future?

Who are you in future begins TODAY!
You can change your future by taking action today to build yourself as a better person.

I will give you some tips that you must do in order to be a better person in your future :

1-      Decide who is your idol 

Choose someone to be your idol and follow all of their rules, their disciplines and what makes them to be a great person.
Try to do more better than your idol.

For example : If you want to be a rich person, try to be like Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, Donald Trump and others. Follow their disciplines and their good habits.

2-      Aim your goals

Target your goals and aims. 

For example: If you want to be a rich person, target the amount of money that you want to earn.

3-      Make a plans

Construct a plan for you future. Divide it into two :

a.        Short term plan
Plan how to achieve your short term target.
For example : How to get RM1000 in a week and what are the ways to get it?

b.       Long term plan
Plan how to achieve your long term target.
For example : How to get RM1,000,000 in 3 years

4-      Take your actions

Take actions to achieve you goals!
Take your first step in accordance to what you have planned!
A plan without actions is USELESS!

                “A simple step can change your whole life”

5-      Always do GOOD things and never intend  to do BAD things

 Never do something that out of moral and can make people hate you for your bad actions.

For example : To be a rich person, never involve in bribery or cheating!

6-      Never give up !

Never give up and lose your direction to achieve your goals and be a better person!

A great man always smiles for his problems”

If you can follow the given tips, I am sure you will a better person for youself, your family and others. The tips are based on my experiences and my reading in some motivational books .
Follow them and you will not regret!!! J
By Ahmad Luqman Hamid