Friday 21 September 2012



Do you want to be a better person in the future?

Who are you in future begins TODAY!
You can change your future by taking action today to build yourself as a better person.

I will give you some tips that you must do in order to be a better person in your future :

1-      Decide who is your idol 

Choose someone to be your idol and follow all of their rules, their disciplines and what makes them to be a great person.
Try to do more better than your idol.

For example : If you want to be a rich person, try to be like Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, Donald Trump and others. Follow their disciplines and their good habits.

2-      Aim your goals

Target your goals and aims. 

For example: If you want to be a rich person, target the amount of money that you want to earn.

3-      Make a plans

Construct a plan for you future. Divide it into two :

a.        Short term plan
Plan how to achieve your short term target.
For example : How to get RM1000 in a week and what are the ways to get it?

b.       Long term plan
Plan how to achieve your long term target.
For example : How to get RM1,000,000 in 3 years

4-      Take your actions

Take actions to achieve you goals!
Take your first step in accordance to what you have planned!
A plan without actions is USELESS!

                “A simple step can change your whole life”

5-      Always do GOOD things and never intend  to do BAD things

 Never do something that out of moral and can make people hate you for your bad actions.

For example : To be a rich person, never involve in bribery or cheating!

6-      Never give up !

Never give up and lose your direction to achieve your goals and be a better person!

A great man always smiles for his problems”

If you can follow the given tips, I am sure you will a better person for youself, your family and others. The tips are based on my experiences and my reading in some motivational books .
Follow them and you will not regret!!! J
By Ahmad Luqman Hamid

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